
发布时间:2017-10-09 作者:关新平,吕玲,杨博 阅读量:

[摘要] 认为信息化和工业化的深度融合是未来工业化的必然趋势,基于感知、通信、控制相融合的工业网络系统有利于推动全局统筹调度、过程运行优化和系统反馈控制等的实现,为建立高品质、低能耗、个性化、小批量生产的智能工厂奠定基础。同时,还提出了一种基于工业网络系统的智能工厂架构,指出了传统工厂面临的挑战,以及实现智能工厂亟需解决的关键问题。

[关键词] 智能工厂;工业网络系统;感知通信控制一体化设计

[Abstract] Deeply integration of informatization and industrialization is an inevitable trend of future industrialization. The industrial network based on combining sensing, communications and control is beneficial for global scheduling, process optimization and feedback control. In this way, the high-product-quality, low-energy-consumption and small-batch-production smart factories foundation can be built. Moreover, an architecture of smart factory is proposed, the challenges of traditional factories and the key issues in realizing the smart factory are analyzed.

[Keywords] smart factory; industrial network systems; co-design of sensing, communication and control

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