
发布时间:2017-10-09 作者:李光,赵福川,王延松 阅读量:

[摘要] 认为5G承载面临超大带宽、低时延、灵活连接、网络切片和超高精度时间同步等诸多挑战。分析了中兴通讯在5G承载技术方面的研究和创新,包括:基于FlexE的大带宽、低时延和业务隔离技术、满足5G泛在灵活连接的Segment Routing路由优化技术、基于网络切片的软件定义网络(SDN)架构和控制技术、超高精度时间同步技术等。

[关键词] 5G承载;灵活以太网(FlexE);Segment Routing;SDN;超高精度时间同步

[Abstract] In this paper, challenges for 5G transport network are described, such as ultra-high bandwidth, low latency, ubiquitous connectivity, network slicing and high-precision time synchronization. ZTE's research and innovation on 5G transport technology are then analyzed, including ultra-high bandwidth, low latency and service isolation technology based on FlexE, Segment Routing optimization technology, software defined networking(SDN) architecture and control technology based on network slicing, and ultra-precision time synchronization technology.

[Keywords] 5G transport; flexible ethernet(FlexE); Segment Routing; SDN; ultra-precision time synchronization

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