
发布时间:2017-06-16 作者:梅林,房宵杰,沙学军 阅读量:

[摘要] 提出单载波与多载波技术体系的融合将会成为未来通信系统空中接口技术发展的重要趋势,指出对既有系统与技术的兼容性和扩展性是混合单、多载波系统所需重点关注问题。结合扩频、均衡、部分快速傅立叶变换(FFT)解调等技术,论述了干扰平均化思想在混合载波系统抗衰落、抗干扰中的重要作用,并展望了加权类分数傅立叶变换(WFRFT)通信系统相关技术的未来研究重点。

[关键词] WFRFT;混合载波体制;时频双弥散信道;低截获概率

[Abstract] This paper indicates that the convergence of single carrier and multi-carrier technological system will be the general trend for the air interface of future communications systems, and the compatibility and expansibility should be the crucially focused features. The idea of averaging interference for the hybrid carrier system over fading and interference channels are discussed along with the combinations of hybrid carrier system and other techniques such as spectrum spreading, equalization and partial fast Fourier transform (FFT) demodulation. Future work for the research of weighted-type fractional Fourier transform (WFRFT) communications system and relative technologies are also addressed.

[Keywords] WFRFT; hybrid carrier scheme; time-frequency doubly dispersive channel; low probability of interception

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