
发布时间:2017-06-16 作者:于海斌,王鹏,曾鹏 阅读量:

[摘要] 认为当前亟需泛在信息制造技术,使生产制造过程在广度上实现互联互通,在深度上实现信息空间和物理空间的融合。为此,提出了一种泛在信息化智能制造系统及相关技术群,实现制造资源的网络化互联,信息资源的语义化表达和制造服务的自组织运行。此外,还指出如何实现多种数据流的混合传输,如何实现异构信息的集成与互操作,以及如何面向复杂时空关系建立抽象模型,是需要解决的挑战性问题。

[关键词] 智能制造;网络化制造;工业控制网络;信息物理融合系统;服务化

[Abstract] In this paper, we consider that ubiquitous information manufacturing technology is needed to realize interconnection in the extent, and achieve integration of cyber space and physical space in the depth. Therefore, a ubiquitously information-based smart manufacturing system and its related enabling technologies are proposed. In this way, manufacturing resources are networked, information resources are semantically described and manufacturing services are self-organized. More challenge problems are also pointed out, such as how to transport mixed data flow, how to integrate and interoperate heterogeneous information, and how to build the abstract model facing the complex space-time relationship.

[Keywords] smart manufacturing; networked manufacturing; industrial control network; cyber-physical systems; service oriented

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