
发布时间:2017-04-01 作者:华新海,贺镇海,刘志军 阅读量:

[摘要] 视频业务互联网化给视频系统的存储、传输、内容属性、应用等各环节带来了相应的信息安全风险。分析了传统视频业务安全方案的不足,并提出了新一代视频业务安全解决方案,从根本上提升了视频业务的系统安全性和内容安全性,有效解决了视频业务运营所面临的安全问题。此外,还展望了视频业务安全的未来研究方向。

[关键词] 视频业务;安全运维;防篡改;安全云;图像识别

[Abstract] Internet-based video service brings information security risk to each part in the system, such as storage, transmission, content properties and applications. In this paper, the disadvantages of traditional solutions are analyzed, and a new generation of video service security solutions is proposed. In this way, system safety and content safety are enhanced, and safety problems of video business operation are solved. Moreover, the future research directions of video service security are also pointed out.

[Keywords] video service; security operation; tamper proofing; security cloud; image recognition

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