
发布时间:2017-04-01 作者:冯建元,冯志勇,张奇勋 阅读量:

[摘要] 认为无线网络重构技术是满足日益增长的数据业务需求的关键,虚拟化是实现无线网络重构的有效手段。通过无线网络架构的逻辑抽象和资源的池化虚拟,能够满足5G多种类型业务广泛连接的需求,并提供超高性能的数据传输体验。此外,还指出了无线网络虚拟化面临的挑战,认为未来的无线虚拟化网络将与大数据、人工智能等技术相融合,变得更加智能、灵活和高效。

[关键词] 5G;无线网络虚拟化;架构

[Abstract] In this paper, we propose that wireless network reconstruction is the key to meet the growing demand of data service, and virtualization is an effective means of realizing wireless network reconstruction. Based on the abstract logical network architecture and the pooled virtual resources, diverse data services of 5G and super high performance of wireless data transmission can be realized. Moreover, the challenges of virtualization wireless network are pointed out, and it is believed that wireless network virtualization will be more intelligent, more flexible, and more efficient by the fusion of big data and artificial intelligence.

[Keywords] 5G; wireless network virtualization; architecture

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