
发布时间:2017-02-09 作者:潘甦,陶帅,陈宇青 阅读量:

[摘要] 提出了窄带物联网(NB-IoT)中一种基于全局收益最大的网络选择方法,将各个切换时刻的瞬时收益的和转化为状态空间上瞬时收益的和。因此,在各个切换时刻,节点只需收集当前的网络状态信息就可计算出切换的目标网络,达到全局最优。仿真结果表明,使用本方法在业务持续时间内的全局收益要大于使用传统方法的最大瞬时收益的和。从而保证了物联网节点业务的服务质量(QoS),提高了网络利用率。

[关键词] 物联网;全局收益;状态空间;切换

[Abstract] In this paper, we propose a network selection method based on the maximum global revenue for the narrowband Internet of things (NB-IoT). The sum of instantaneous revenue in each handoff decision can be transformed into the sum of instantaneous revenue over state spaces, so that in each handoff decision, only the current network status information should be collected by nodes to calculate the target network which can achieve global optimum optimization. The numerical results show that the global revenue obtained by our proposed method is greater than the sum of the maximum instantaneous revenue using the traditional method. Therefore, the proposed method guarantees the quality of service (QoS) of the IoT and improves the network utilization.

[Keywords] IoT; global revenue; state space; handoff

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