
发布时间:2017-02-09 作者:陆建华 阅读量:

[摘要] 针对未来无线通信发展中信息与通信的基本问题,首先从信息表征方法对通信质量、信息处理,乃至通信体系结构的深刻影响,探讨未来无线通信可能的发展变革;其次在分析复杂无线网络容量优化难题的基础上,阐述在通信与网络难以完成融合的情况下,建立新的网络通信研究范式的必要性。建议抓住当前的发展机遇,立足源头创新,跳出以规模建设实现持续扩容等传统发展范式,以理性的方式谋求无线通信新的飞跃。

[关键词] 无线通信;信息表征;网络容量

[Abstract] In this paper, regarding the fundamental issues of information and communications in future wireless communications, we discuss a potential paradigm shift of future wireless communications through analyzing the impact of information representations on the quality of communication, information processing, and even a communication system architecture. Then, by revealing the aporia in capacity optimization with future complex wireless networks, the necessity of building a new research paradigm for network communications is elaborated, especially with yet not merged communications and networks due to radically unsolved issues. We need to seize the opportunities of present vigorous R&D activities, innovate from origins, abandon the traditional development approaches featured by constantly constructing infrastructures for marginal capacity improvement, and finally, in a reasonable manner, achieve a new flourish of wireless communications.

[Keywords] wireless communications; information representation; network capacity

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