
发布时间:2017-02-09 作者:薛育红 阅读量:

[摘要] 认为雾计算/边缘计算(MEC)是云计算的延伸,其发展源自物联网(IoT)实时反馈型应用需求的驱动,通过雾计算/MEC将数据采集、数据处理和应用分析程序集中在网络边缘设备中,使云端计算、网络、存储能力得以向边缘扩展。提出在IoT中采用中枢智能与边缘智能的两级架构,实现雾计算与云计算的协作,提高IoT处理效率。

[关键词] IoT;云计算;雾计算;IoT云平台;IoT网关

[Abstract] Fog computing/multi-access edge computing(MEC) driven by the real-time feedback application requirements of Internet of things(IoT) is the extension of cloud computing. Fog computing/ MEC centralizes data acquisition, data processing and application analysis on the edge of the network equipments, and extends cloud computing, networking, and storage capacity to the edge. The two layers architecture of IoT which contains central intelligence and edge intelligence is proposed in this paper. By this way, cloud computing and fog computing/MEC can be carried out in collaboration, and the processing efficiency will be improved.

[Keywords] IoT; cloud computing; fog computing; IoT platform; IoT gateway

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