
发布时间:2017-02-09 作者:孙知信,洪汉舒

[摘要] 分析了窄带物联网(NB-IoT)感知层、传输层和处理层的安全需求和相关安全技术,认为安全性是确保NB-IoT商用推广的前提。同时提出了一种基于NB-IoT的安全架构,并详细阐述了该架构中各层次实现的功能和关键技术。最后指出中国应协调、整合相关资源,促进产业交流合作,力争在世界范围内掌握NB-IoT发展的主动权。

[关键词] NB-IoT;安全技术;架构

[Abstract] In this paper, security requirements and techniques in sensing layer, transport layer and transaction layer of narrowband Internet of things (NB-IoT) are analyzed. Security is considered as the precondition for NB-IoT commercial use. A security architecture based on NB-IoT is proposed, the functions and key techniques of each module are also illustrated. We suggest that by coordinating and integrating related resources, promoting exchanges and cooperation, China will have the initiative in NB-IoT development.

[Keywords] NB-IoT; security technology; architecture

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