M-ICT 2.0战略——探索数字化转型之道

发布时间:2017-02-09 作者:苏永钦

[摘要] 结合中兴通讯的M-ICT战略,指出了数字化浪潮的3个关键特征,分析了信息通信(ICT)行业面临的机遇和挑战。从宏观和微观两大视角对数字化转型之道进行了探讨,提出了ICT行业需要关注的五大创新方向。认为企业要实现数字化转型,必须围绕用户体验升级,关注预先体验、自助及自主、个性化及定制化、可视化等四大需求,此外还需要完成组织、文化、机制等领域的一系列转变。

[关键词] ICT;数字化转型;M-ICT 2.0战略

[Abstract] In this paper, according to the M-ICT strategy of ZTE, three key features of digitalized wave are pointed out, the challenges, opportunities of information and communication technology(ICT) industry are analyzed. The methods of digitalized transformation are discussed, and five major innovation directions of ICT are proposed. Enterprises should focus on user experience improving, including pre-experience, self-help and autonomy, personalization, visualization in the way of digitalized transformation. Moreover, changes of organizations, cultures and mechanisms are also essential assets.

[Keywords] ICT; digitalized transformation; M-ICT 2.0 strategy

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