
发布时间:2016-11-24 作者:聂秀英

[摘要] 软件定义网络(SDN)/网络功能虚拟化(NFV)技术为降低网络构件成本,实现灵活组网提出了便利的方案,是信息通信技术(ICT)产业发展不可缺少的重要支撑。通过对中国通信标准化协会(CCSA)未来数据网络特别工作组(TC1 SWG3)在SDN/NFV组网应用场景、组网体系架构以及基于SDN/NFV的各种业务组网体系架构等方面的技术标准的介绍,认为SDN/NFV将成为未来网络的候选技术之一,TC1 SWG3在后续的工作中将研究采用SDN/NFV技术的未来数据网络相关标准,服务行业应用。

[关键词] SDN/NFV;组网;标准;未来数据网络(FDN)

[Abstract] Soft defined network (SDN)/network functions virtualization (NFV) technology provides a convenient solution for the cost reducing of network construction and the flexibility of the networking, and it has become the important support for the development of information communication technology (ICT) industry. In this paper, the related work on the technical standards of SDN/NFV networking application scenarios, networking architecture and various applications functional architecture based on SDN/NFV of China Communications Standards Association (CCSA) future data network special working group (TC1 SWG3) are introduced. It has been realized that the SDN/NFV will be one of the candidate technologies for future network. And future data network related standards based on SDN/NFV will be developed in the follow-up work of TC1 SWG3, so as to serve the industry applications.

[Keywords] SDN/NFV; networking; standard; future data network (FDN)

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