
发布时间:2016-11-24 作者:徐代刚,孟照星,刘学生 阅读量:

[摘要] 认为随着软件定义网络(SDN)/网络功能虚拟化(NFV)和云化网络的发展,传统运维面临严峻的挑战。提出基于最新的开源标准规范,采用控制/编排/管理/策略/分析(COMPA)核心要素来重构传统运营支撑系统(OSS),实现统一业务编排与网络协同,支持动态资源调度和实时自动控制,提供大数据分析和智能策略驱动服务保障闭环,进而助力电信业的互联网化运营和数字化商业转型。此外,还介绍了中兴通讯新一代运营管理系统的架构及其重要特性。

[关键词] SDN;NFV;OSS;敏捷运维;COMPA

[Abstract] With the development of software defined network (SDN)/ network function virtualization(NFV) and cloud network, traditional operations are now facing severe challenges. Based on the latest open standards, reconstructing the traditional operation support system(OSS) by the core elements of control/orchestration/management/policy/analysis(COMPA) is proposed in this paper. New OSS supports unified service orchestration, network collaboration, dynamical resource scheduling, real-time automatic control, big data analysis, and service closed loop driven by intelligent policy. As a result, the Internet operation and digital business transformation is realized. Moreover, new generation of operations management system by ZTE is introduced.

[Keywords] SDN; NFV; OSS; agile operations; COMPA

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