
发布时间:2016-10-09 作者:金小团,陈刚,陈纯 阅读量:

[摘要] 认为家纺产品云定制的核心技术难点是对产品的图案色彩进行管理,减小甚至消除由于显示器和数码喷印机成色原理不同导致的色差问题。从色彩一致性建模入手,提出了面向设备和面料无关的颜色一致性度量学习算法、可伸缩的颜色一致性度量学习算法、感知驱动的面料颜色增强等面向家纺产品云定制的颜色管理关键技术。此外,还介绍了一款宽幅自动色彩扫描装置,可用来采集产品的颜色信息,即色彩管理算法的基础数据。

[关键词] 家纺产品大规模定制;数码喷印;颜色管理;大数据驱动

[Abstract] The core technological difficulty of cloud-based customization is the color management of products. It can reduce the risk of color differences due to the different coloring mechanisms of the display device, printing equipment and fabric material. We propose the device-independent and fabric-independent color consistency metric learning algorithm, scalable color consistency measure learning algorithm, perception-driven fabrics’ color enhancement and other key technologies of color management used for the cloud-based customization of home textile products. In addition, a wide-format color scanning device is designed to collect the product’s color information, which is the basic data for color management algorithm.

[Keywords] massive household textile customization; digital textile printing; color management; big-data driven

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