
发布时间:2016-10-09 作者:陈晓方,吴仁超,桂卫华 阅读量:

[摘要] 认为知识自动化是未来经济发展的颠覆性技术,为解决工业生产决策问题提供了新途径。以一类铝电解生产企业的两级智能决策系统为例,对知识自动化决策系统的实现进行了说明,并对其体系结构、知识库构建、决策算法和分级决策系统的设计进行了简要说明。知识自动化决策有望为中国工业企业实现两化深度融合提供新的重要契机,可能产生深远的技术影响。

[关键词] 知识型工作自动化;决策支持系统;知识库;系统设计

[Abstract] Knowledge automation is a disruptive technology in the future and can be a new solution for industrial production decisions problem. An example of a two-level intelligent decision system for aluminum reduction plants is introduced briefly with its structure design, knowledge base construction, decision algorithms and two-level decision system. Knowledge automation decision-making may provide new favorite opportunity for deep integration of informationization and industrialization and produce profound influence.

[Keywords] knowledge work automation; decision-making support system; knowledge base; system design

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