
发布时间:2016-10-09 作者:王耀南,陈铁健 阅读量:

[摘要] 认为发展智慧工厂和智能制造装备的关键技术是环境感知和智能控制技术。结合智慧工厂特点,提出了一种机器视觉感知控制系统原理方案,并对各个关键核心技术进行分析。还提出了一种基于云计算的机器视觉感知控制系统方案,用于解决各种视觉控制应用的高实时性需求与计算复杂度极高之间的矛盾。该方案中还有一些技术需要进一步研究,包括先进工业成像技术、云计算平台负载平衡技术、云计算平台中的自动化图像处理流程设计等。

[关键词] 智慧工厂;机器视觉;感知控制;云计算

[Abstract] The key technology in smart factory and intelligent manufacturing is environment sensing and autonomous control. In this paper, a machine vision perception and control system design is proposed, and key technologies are also analyzed. Additionally, the cloud computing-based machine vision perception and control system design is also proposed, which is utilized to solve the conflicts between real-time requirements and high computing complexity of image processing. In this design scheme, some techniques need to be further studied, including advanced industrial imaging technology, cloud computing platform load balancing technology, process design of automated image in cloud computing platform and so on.

[Keywords] smart factory; machine vision; perception and control; cloud computing

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