
发布时间:2022-08-20 作者:2016-03-17 阅读量:

[摘要] 认为大数据提供了一种全新的认知世界的角度和方法。与熟知的数学和大部分物理学的基本认知规律不同,大数据分析原则上是一种基于观察和归纳的经验主义认知,这种方法曾一度被现代实证主义的研究模式边缘化。随着近年来大数据产生与分析的技术进步,这一古老方法正在重新焕发活力,并赋予大数据新的内容和形式。在这个意义上,给出了关于大数据4V的新解释。同时通过一个NP问题的例子,探讨了大数据对于复杂问题解决的新方法和新思路。

[关键词] 大数据;观察归纳;概率近似正确;数据分布;数据清洗;数据价值;例证法

[Abstract] Big data provides a brand-new angle and method of perceiving the world. Like mathematics and physics, big data analysis is, in principle, a methodology based on observation and empirical induction, which has been marginalized in recent times by positivism in research models. As techniques for big data creation and analysis have developed, this methodology has blossomed. We give a new explanation of the “four Vs” of big data: state the four Vs here. We also discuss an example of an NP problem to explore new methods for solving complex.

[Keywords] big data; observation and induction; probability approximately correct; data distribution; data cleaning; data value; exemplification method

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