
发布时间:2016-03-17 作者:陆平,董振江,杨勇 阅读量:

[摘要] 提出了M-ICT时代融合业务技术的发展趋势:(1)虚拟数据中心已经成为下一代IT基础设施的通用解决方案,其通用功能架构包括软件定义计算、软件定义存储、软件定义网络和软件定义安全等核心子系统,技术方案尚在不断完善之中;(2)容器已大规模应用于互联网,传统的电信域急需应对这种挑战,容器技术也使得平台即服务PaaS产品拓宽了发展空间;(3)基于NFV架构的云化是大势所趋,以用户体验为驱动,基于融合CDN和智能数据分析,提供智能视频服务是竞争力提升的关键;(4)增强现实技术的多媒体视频应用必将极大地改进用户体验,人工智能技术在近几年将会产生更多的应用形态,进一步重塑和重建各行各业。

[关键词] 云数据中心;软件定义存储;软件定义安全;容器;平台即服务;互联网电视;人工智能

[Abstract] In this paper, we discuss the development trend of integration business technology in the M-ICT era: (1) Virtual data center has become the next-generation IT solution to common infrastructure, which includes software-defined computation, software-defined storage, software-defined network and software-defined security and is becoming more and more mature; (2) containers have been widely applied in Internet applications, and it is very necessary to deal with this challenge in the traditional telecommunication domain, and the container technology also makes Platform as a Service (PaaS) vigorous again; (3) network function virtualization (NFV) is the trend for network development, and intelligent data analysis based on convergent content delivery network (CDN) is the key to enhance the competitiveness of video products as well as driven by user experience; (4) augmented reality-based multimedia video application will greatly improve reality of user experience, while application of artificial intelligence technology can produce more forms of applications , further remodeling and reconstruction of all walks of life.

[Keywords] virtual datacenter; software-defined storage; software-defined security; container; PaaS; Internet TV; artificial intelligence

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