
发布时间:2023-01-10 作者:迟楠,黄星星,王一光 阅读量:

[摘要] 基于发光二极管(LED)调制带宽限制了可见光通信(VLC)系统传输速率这一问题,从VLC系统的先进调制技术出发,探讨了类平衡-正交频分复用、无载波幅相调制和频域均衡单载波调制3种调制技术。对这3种调制技术原理和实验结果的分析与讨论,验证了先进调制技术在提升VLC系统传输容量上的可行性。

[关键词] 可见光通信;正交频分复用;无载波幅相调制;频域均衡单载波调制;类平衡探测

[Abstract] We introduce three formats, based on advanced modulation, that improve transmission. These formats are quasi-balanced detection orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), carrier-less amplitude and phase modulation, and single carrier-frequency domain equalization (SC-FDE). We determine the feasibility of these schemes for improving transmission in a VLC system. We analyze the principles of these three modulation formants and provide experimental results.

[Keywords] visible light communication; orthogonal frequency division multiplexing; carrier-less amplitude and phase modulation; single carrier-frequency domain equalization; quasi-balanced detection