
发布时间:2014-12-03 作者:房爱军,汪军 阅读量:

[摘要] 基于虚拟化的中间件盒子的模型,采用x86架构的电脑硬件设备,依托虚拟化平台构建了一种集成了路由器、语音服务器、虚拟桌面等服务的虚拟中间件盒子。该虚拟中间件盒子采用了中间件盒子的概念,即在标准的服务器上运行开源的虚拟化平台,如XEN、KVM等,并运用网络功能虚拟化(NFV)的理念和软件定义网络(SDN)的理念进行控制管理,最终实现为每个组织、企业、个人提供虚拟通信网络服务(网络功能虚拟化)和虚拟运营服务。

[关键词] 虚拟化;网络虚拟化;软件定义网络;网络功能虚拟化;中间件盒子

[Abstract] In this paper, we describe a virtualization-Middlebox-based model that has x86-architecture hardware based on platform virtualization to build Virtual Middlebox of integrated routers, voice server, virtual desktop service and other services. Virtual Middlebox incorporates the concept of Middlebox, which runs the open-source Platform Virtualization such as XEN and KVM. It manages using Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and software-defined networking (SDN). Finally it provides communications service of virtualization networks (NFV) and operational services for each organizations, enterprises and individuals.

[Keywords] virtualization; network virtualization; software-defined network; network functions virtualisation; middlebox