
发布时间:2020-04-20 作者:王卫斌,朱进国,王全 阅读量:



(中兴通讯股份有限公司,广东 深圳 518057)
摘要:5G商用进程已开启,5G核心网架构和关键技术也已基本确定;然而,为了更好地使能垂直行业、更快地实现5G业务部署和更高效地运维,5G核心网还需要持续优化和演进。5G核心网的持续演进将围绕确定网络、智能网络和灵动网络3方面实现。网络切片、边缘计算和应用的服务化架构也在持续优化。垂直行业引入非公开网络(NPN)、5G行业局域网(5G LAN)和5G时间敏感网络(TSN),以及网络数据分析功能(NWDAF)、网络人工智能(Network AI)等关键技术。这些技术将进一步促进5G核心网的发展。
关键词:网络切片;多接入边缘计算(MEC);云原生;NPN;5G LAN;TSN;NWDAF

Evolution Requirements and Key Technologies of 5G Core Network
WANG Weibin, ZHU Jinguo, WANG Quan
(ZTE Corporation, Shenzhen 518057, China)
Abstract:5G commercial process has been started. The 5G core network architecture and key technologies have been basically determined. However, in order to better enable vertical industries, achieve faster service deployment and more efficient operation and maintenance, 5G core network still needs to be continuously optimized and evolved. The continuous evolution of the 5G core network will be realized in three aspects: deterministic network, intelligent network and agile network. The network slicing, edge computing and service-oriented architecture are also continuously optimized. For vertical industries, key technologies such as Non-Public Network (NPN), 5G Vertical Local Area Network (5G LAN), Time Sensitive Network (TSN), Network Data Analysis Function (NWDAF), and Network AI are introduced. These technologies will further promote the development of 5G core networks.
Keywords: network slice; Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC); cloud native; NPN; 5G LAN; TSN; NWDAF



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