
发布时间:2016-06-14 作者:杨义先,钮心忻 阅读量:

[摘要] 给出了“石头剪刀布”的一种“白富美”新玩法。所谓“白”,即思路清清楚楚、明明白白;所谓“富”,即理论内涵非常丰富;所谓“美”,即结论绝对数学美。安全通论的魅力也在这里得到了幽默体现。

[关键词] 概率;信道;安全

[Abstract] In this paper, “clear, rich and charming” can be well explained the “rock scissors paper” in offensive and defensive. “Clear” means the clear thinking, “rich” refers to the rich theory connotation, and “charming” represents the harmony and singularity of mathematics. Charm of the general theory of security is also humorously shown in this paper.

[Keywords] probability; channel; security

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