
发布时间:2013-08-12 作者:甘玉玺,金志虎,杨瑾 阅读量:

[摘要] 介绍了中兴通讯与某电信公司联合进行的IPv6和其承载下一代网络(NGN)及3G的测试。详细介绍了3个测试阶段的目的及内容。通过该测试可得知IPv6网络轻载、实施IPv6 QoS和IAD在IPv6网“移动”等,在IPv6网络上承载NGN等业务在技术上实现是可行的。

[关键词] IPv6;NGN;3G

[Abstract] In this paper, we describe the three stages of tests on IPv6 and its effectiveness in bearing NGN and 3G services. These tests were conducted by ZTE and a well-known telecom company in China. We describe the test objectives and give a detailed account of each stage. An IPv6 network can bear NGN and 3G services and provide a light load, IP QoS assurance, and IAD mobility.

[Keywords] IPv6; NGN; 3G