
发布时间:2013-02-17 作者:娄梦茜,邓硕,孙知信 阅读量:

[摘要] 文章通过归纳全球最新研究成果,提出应用于远程医疗监护中的数据融合模型。文章指出主流的医疗数据融合技术可以分为基于知识与基于样本两大类,并做了全面细致的探讨。文章认为基于最小二乘支持向量机(LSSVM)的数据融合技术优势明显,非常适用于远程医疗监护应用场景。

[关键词] 决策级;基于知识的系统;支持向量机(SVM);数据融合;医疗监护

[Abstract] In this paper, we summarize the latest research and propose a general model for a data-fusion system for remote medical care. Mainstream decision-level data-fusion technology is classified as knowledge-based or sample-data-based. Here, we analyze both of these subtypes. We also suggest that the least-squared support vector machine (LSSVM) is the most appropriate technology because of its high performance and efficiency.

[Keywords] decision level; knowledge based system; support vector machine (SVM); data fusion; medical care