
发布时间:2013-02-17 作者:王文东,胡延楠 阅读量:

[摘要] 通过控制平面与数据平面的分离,软件定义网络(SDN)架构将网络底层网络设施与网络应用抽象分离开来,从而实现构建可管理、可编程的、可动态改变的网络。文章认为未来网络将越来越依赖于软件,SDN这种新颖的、动态的网络架构将提高网络的延展性、灵活性和可管理性,从而实现网络变革并带来新一波的技术创新。

[关键词] 软件定义网络;OpenFlow;未来网络

[Abstract] In software-defined network (SDN) architecture, the control and forwarding planes are decoupled, which abstracts the underlying network infrastructure from the applications. This allows for manageable, programmable, flexible networks that are adaptable to changing business needs. Future networks will rely more and more on software. New, dynamic software-defined architecture will be widely adopted and will revolutionize networks and applications.

[Keywords] software-defined networking; OpenFlow; future network