
发布时间:2012-11-13 作者:陈森,耿玉波,孙建兴 阅读量:

[摘要] 随着3G网络建设的全面展开,移动数据业务得到了迅速发展。文章分析了联通2G网络业务量的发展情况,并通过对联通GSM网络频率资源和复用方式的介绍,分析了目前联通GSM网的承载能力。文章指出数据业务逐渐成为网络业务量的主导,只有采用新技术并增加新的频谱资源,联通GSM网才能满足目前业务增长需求。

[关键词] 话务密度;增强型数据速率GSM演进技术(EDGE);频率复用

[Abstract] With the construction of 3G networks, mobile data services have been expanding rapidly. In this paper, we discuss the development of China Unicom’s 2G network. We review China Unicom’s GSM frequency resource and reuse methods and analyze the capacity of the GSM network. Data services have gradually come to be the dominant services in the network. Only by adopting new technologies and increasing the number of frequency resources can China Unicom meet the adequately develop their services.

[Keywords] density of traffic; EDGE; frequency reuse