
发布时间:2012-07-27 作者:徐亦达,余宏亮 阅读量:


[摘要] 文章提出建设好容灾中心所面临的关键挑战就是如何让容灾代价和容灾效率达到统一,而这需要利用灾备资源共享的基本思路。文章指出容灾未来的发展趋势就是彻底打破原有数据保护模式,发展面向灾备资源共享的容灾云技术体系。

[关键词] 容灾;结构无关;容灾云

[Abstract] In this paper, we suggest that the key challenge in building a disaster recovery (DR) center is balancing cost with efficiency and resource sharing. A future trend of DR is to use structure irrelevance DR technology to form a hierarchy of DR cloud technologies.

[Keywords] disaster recovery; structure irrelevance; disaster recovery cloud