
作者:刘书缘, 邓龙江, 毕磊 阅读量:


刘书缘, 邓龙江, 毕磊
(电子科技大学,中国 成都 611054)
摘要:基于磁光非互易移相原理,采用硅基异质沉积磁性氧化物薄膜的技术路线,在绝缘体上硅(SOI)晶圆上,制备了基于马赫-曾德尔干涉仪(MZI)结构的宽带磁光隔离器和微环结构的窄带磁光隔离器件。两个器件在1 550 nm波长下的隔离度分别达到了30 dB和40 dB,插损分别为5 dB和3 dB,性能接近分立器件水平。这些工作为硅基单片集成非互易材料和器件提供了可行的技术途径。  


Silicon Integrated Magneto-Optical Nonreciprocal Photonic Devices
LIU Shuyuan, DENG Longjiang, BI Lei
(University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611054, China)
Abstract: Based on the magneto-optical nonreciprocal phase shift effect, Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) broadband optical isolators and microring narrowband optical isolators on silicon on insulator (SOI) substrate are monolithically integrated by using the technique of hetero deposition of magnetic oxide film on silicon substrate. The devices achieve high isolation ratios of 30 dB and 40 dB at 1550 nm, and insertion loss of 5 dB and 3 dB respectively, which are close to the performance of discrete isolator devices. Our work provides a feasible technical way for silicon integration of nonreciprocal materials and devices.  

Keywords: silicon photonics; magneto-optics; nonreciprocal; optical isolator


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