
作者:沈彬, 李海花, 高腾 阅读量:


沈彬, 李海花, 高腾
(中国信息通信研究院,中国 北京 100191)


Insights into Industrial Internet Technologies
SHEN Bin, LI Haihua, GAO Teng
(China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, Beijing 100191, China)
Abstract: 5G, time sensitive network (TSN), edge computing, industrial artificial intelligence, digital twin, blockchain, and virtual reality (VR)/ augmented reality (AR) are accelerating the convergence and application of industrial Internet, and constantly expanding the capability connotation and function boundary of industrial Internet. These technologies have become the core technologies and indispensable components that affect the follow-up development of industrial Internet, providing key support for industrial digital transformation and high-quality economic development.  

Keywords: industrial Internet; 5G; TSN; edge computing; industrial intelligence; digital twin; blockchain; VR/AR


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