
发布时间:2020-07-16 作者:左罗,陈亚斌



(中兴通讯股份有限公司,广东 深圳 518057)
摘要:运营商面临客户(C)端市场增长乏力问题,更多地将未来增长希望寄托于商业(B)端市场。面对巨大增长的想象空间,运营商唯有全方位变革方能破局。指出5G撬动B端行业变革的关键能力要素有4个:核心竞争能力、规模复制能力、灵活变现能力和组织支撑能力。以网络核心能力为核心构建完整的5G核心能力体系方能从容不迫地应对B端经营新模式的挑战。认为核心能力体系的构建除了需要网络核心能力之外,还需要进一步构建行业核心能力、通用方案、行业商城,同时组织能力的匹配也是运营商能否成功开拓To B市场的关键。唯有体系化的支撑才能进一步地促进5G与行业结合的健康发展。

5G Enable the Industry and Helps Industry Transformation
ZUO Luo, CHEN Yabin
(ZTE Corporation, Shenzhen 518057, China)
Abstract: Facing the lack of growth in the personal market, operators are expecting more growth in the industry market, and can only break the dilemma through all-round reform. The key capabilities of 5G leveraging industry transformation include four factors: core competitiveness, large-scale replication, flexible liquidity, and organizational support. To build a complete 5G core capability system with core network capabilities as the key, we can meet the challenges of new operation models in the industry. In addition to core network capabilities, the core industry capabilities, general solutions, and industrial shopping malls need to be further built in the core capability system. The matching of organizational capabilities is also the key to the success of operators in the industry market’s development. Only systematic support can further promote the healthy development of 5G and industry integration.
Keywords: 5G network; capability open; core capability; virtical industry



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