
发布时间:2020-06-11 作者:周林杰 阅读量:



(上海交通大学,上海 200240)

Next Generation Nonvolatile Silicon Integrated Optical Switch
ZHOU Linjie
(Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China)
Abstract: In view of the shortcomings of using thermo-optic or free-carrier plasma dispersion effect to achieve refractive index modulation of silicon waveguide, such as small tuning range, high power consumption and volatility, a method based on phase change materials is proposed. Phase change materials have at least two stable states. The refractive index has a large change upon phase change, and moreover, maintaining the state does not require an external voltage, exhibiting non-volatile characteristics. Therefore, the hybrid integration of silicon and phase change materials can effectively overcome the physical limitations of current silicon photonic devices, and can be applied to high-density, low-power, large-scale integrated optical switch fabrics.
Keywords: silicon photonics; phase change materials; hybrid integrated photonics; optical switch



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