
发布时间:2020-02-23 作者:高赟,魏昕,周亮 阅读量 :







QoE Improvement Issues Based on Artificial Intelligence


GAO Yun, WEI Xin, ZHOU Liang

Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications


Abstract: Online video providers are more concerned about users’ Quality of Experience (QoE). However, there are still some problems in multimedia domain such as large amount of user data and user personalized experience improvement. A systematic solution for improving user’ QoE by Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in the era of big data is provided. In this paper, the adaptive streaming media rate of video services is taken as an example. In order to maximize the users’ QoE, the personalized QoE model based on user behavior analysis timely provide feedback into the deep learning neural network, and then adjust media rate by making the model adaptively decision-making. Finally, we point out the challenges of QoE improvement under AI technology.
Keywords: QoE, AI, multimedia communication

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