
发布时间:2019-04-28 作者:马季春,孟丽珠 阅读量 :

[摘要] 根据运营商城域网络的现状、问题以及未来云网协同的发展趋势,提出了一种新型的城域网络架构。新型的MAN将适时采用简化的网络设备、统一的简化网络协议以及核心加边缘的Spine-leaf形式的网络架构,实现业务的综合承载,满足未来云业务和网络的协调发展。


[关键词] 云网协同;分段路由;城域网


[Abstract] In this paper, a new architecture of metropolitan area network is proposed based on the current situation, problems of MAN and the development trend of network synergy. Simplified network equipment, unified simplified network protocol and spine-leaf style network architecture are adopted in MAN to realize the integrated bearing of service. In this way, the coordinated development of future cloud business and network will be met.


[Keywords] network synergy; segmentation routing; metropolitan area network

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