
发布时间:2018-11-15 作者:牛志升 阅读量:

[摘要] 绿色通信的研究应从能量的“节流”和“开源”2个方向同时展开,其中节流最有效的手段来自网络覆盖层,即通过引入超蜂窝的网络架构实现控制覆盖与业务覆盖的解耦,使得业务基站有更多的休眠机会,从而大幅度提高网络的能量效率。开源的最有效手段是大量引入可再生能源,通过高效地利用可再生的能量降低电网的能耗,从而提高网络整体的能量效率。无论采用哪种手段,其核心技术挑战将是如何实现信息流与能量流的智能匹配,这既是未来绿色通信能够“笑”(SMILE: Send More Information bits with Less Energy)到最后的关键,也催生出了一个全新的交叉学科领域,即能量信息学。

[关键词] 绿色通信;可再生能量;能量信息学

[Abstract] The researches on green communications can be divided into two major approaches: one is by saving energy and the other is by exploiting renewable energy. For the energy-saving approaches, the most effective way comes from the network coverage layer by decoupling the traffic serving coverage from the control signaling coverage so that the traffic base stations have more opportunities to sleep (and therefore bring a great amount of energy savings) with the coverage guarantee by control base stations. This is so-called hyper-cellular architecture. For the renewable-energy exploiting approaches, the key is to adaptively match the information flows to the energy flows and vice versa, which is extremely hard because both the information flows and energy flows are highly dynamic. These are not only the core parts of the SMILE (Send More Information bits with Less Energy) for green communications, but also open up a new research fields called energy informatics.

[Keywords] green communications; renewable energy; energy informatics

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