
发布时间:2018-11-15 作者:张跃平 阅读量:

[摘要] 封装天线(AiP)是基于封装材料与工艺,将天线与芯片集成在封装内实现系统级无线功能的一门技术。 AiP技术顺应了硅基半导体工艺集成度提高的潮流,为系统级无线芯片提供了良好的天线与封装解决方案。最新权威市场分析报告断言:AiP技术会是毫米波5G通信与汽车雷达芯片必选的一项技术,所以AiP技术最近受到广泛重视,取得了许多重要进展。尝试全方位总结AiP技术在过去不到1年的时间内所获得的最新成果,内容包括新材料、新工艺、新设计、新测试等方面。

[关键词] 封装天线;毫米波;无线通信;汽车雷达;物联网

[Abstract] Antenna-in-Package (AiP) technology is an antenna solution technology that implements an antenna or antennas on (or in) an integrated circuit (IC) package that can carry a highly-integrated radio or radar transceiver die (or dies). Keeping with the trend of silicon semiconductor technologies, AiP technology provides elegant antenna solutions to radio-frequency system-on-chip. A market analysis report concludes that AiP technology is a need rather than an option for millimeter-wave 5G and automotive radars. Hence, AiP technology has received much attention and made great progress very recently. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive summary of the latest achievement in the development of AiP technology, including new materials and processes, design methods, and testing strategies.

[Keywords] antenna-in-package; millimeter wave; wireless communications; car radar; Internet of things (IoT)

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