
发布时间:2018-11-15 作者:王亚会,周振宇,贾云健 阅读量:

[摘要] 提出基于可再生能源与柴油发电机互补的混合供电系统。通过深入分析多种混合供电系统的性能,给出了适用于坦桑尼亚边远地区基站供电的解决方案,缓解了边远地区电力基础薄弱、基站供电稳定性差等问题。同时,混合供电系统的建设降低了移动网络运营商的发电成本以及温室气体的排放量。

[关键词] 可再生能源;混合供电系统;移动网络运营商;温室气体排放量

[Abstract] A hybrid power supply system by combining renewable energy sources with diesel generators and batteries is proposed. By deeply analyzing the performance of various hybrid power systems, a solution for powering base stations in remote areas of Tanzania is presented. Thus, it alleviates the problems of weak infrastructures and poor stability of power systems in remote areas. Simultaneously, the construction of hybrid power supply system reduces the cost of mobile network operators and greenhouse gas emissions.

[Keywords] renewable energy; hybrid power supply system; mobile network operators; greenhouse gas emissions

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