
发布时间:2017-12-11 作者:潘志庚,高翔,丁丹丹 阅读量:

[摘要] 移动增强现实技术是增强现实(AR)的一个分支,其目前主要有传统移动增强现实技术和基于移动终端的移动增强现实技术两种。移动增强现实设备的普及和技术的高速发展使其可以应用到多个领域。对移动增强现实技术的应用进行综述,并对其商业应用前景和商业模式进行展望。

[关键词] 虚拟现实(VR);AR;AR应用

[Abstract] Mobile augmented reality is a branch of augmented reality (AR), and it has traditional mobile augmented reality technology and mobile augmented reality technology based on mobile terminal. With the popularity of mobile augmented reality devices and the rapid development of technology, mobile augmented reality can be applied to many fields. In this paper, the application of mobile augmented reality is summarized, and the commercial applications prospect and the business models are also discussed.

[Keywords] virtual reality (VR); AR; AR application

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