
发布时间:2017-10-09 作者:李金野,于丽娟,刘建国 阅读量:

[摘要] 雷达、电子对抗、无线通信正向着宽带化、集成化、阵列化的方向快速发展,对电光调制器的带宽、半波电压、尺度等提出了更加苛刻的要求。分别对铌酸锂、磷化铟、硅基以及聚合物电光调制器进行了剖析,证明单一材料体系已难以满足系统应用需求。指出硅基混合集成电光调制器融合了多种材料体系的优点,将会对未来微波光子模拟光传输链路和信息处理的发展提供强有力的支撑。

[关键词] 电光调制器;硅基混合集成;低半波电压;小尺度

[Abstract] Radar, electronic countermeasure and wireless communication have developed rapidly in the direction of broadband, integration and array, which brings more challenges on bandwidth, half-wave voltage and footprint of the electro-optical modulator. In this paper, modulators based on different material system, including the lithium niobate, indium phosphide, silicon and electro-optical polymer are analyzed, which shows that the single material system is difficult to meet the system application requirements. In this case, a silicon-based hybrid integrated electro-optical modulator combining the advantages of various material systems is proposed, which is expected to provide a strong support for the development of microwave photon analog optical transmission links and information processing.

[Keywords] electro-optic modulator; silicon-based hybrid integration; low half-wave voltage; small scale

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