
发布时间:2017-02-09 作者:邹玉龙,丁晓进,王全全 阅读量:

[摘要] 基于窄带物联网(NB-IoT)的技术特点、组网方法及潜在应用场景,指出了其发展过程中面临的关键问题,包括NB-IoT的数据安全与传输可靠性,NB-IoT向宽带物联网(WB-IoT)演进的问题,以及物联网设备连接需求的低、中、高速率共存的问题。认为多速率物联网设备的研究将是下一阶段NB-IoT发展的重点方向。

[关键词] 互联网;物联网;NB-IoT

[Abstract] In this paper, according to the technical features, networking methods, and potential application scenarios, we point out the key problems of narrowband Internet of things (NB-IoT) , such as the data security and transmission reliablity for NB-IoT, the evolution of the NB-IoT to wideband IoT(WB-IoT), and the coexistence of low, middle and high data rates for IoT devices. The multirate devices are proposed as the direction of NB-IoT research in the next stage.

[Keywords] Internet; IoT; NB-IoT

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