
发布时间:2017-02-09 作者:贾雪琴,张云勇 阅读量:

[摘要] 认为低功耗物联网(IoT)业务所面临的挑战主要包括:在网络和终端方面,模组成本高,耗电量大,网络覆盖不理想;在运营方面,增量不增收,业务碎片化。窄带物联网(NB-IoT)能有效解决当前低功耗业务所面临的问题,相比LoRa等非授权频谱低功耗广域物联网(LPWAN)技术,在移动性、可靠性和安全性等方面具有优势,更适合规模化运营。提出了运营商的NB-IoT运营策略,包括迅速部署NB-IoT网络,突破网络连接服务,聚焦重点行业,加强产业合作。认为NB将会成为LPWA的主流技术。

[关键词] 低功耗物联网;窄带物联网;运营策略

[Abstract] Main challenges faced by low power enabled Internet of things (IoT) services include two aspects: high module cost, high power consumption, bad network coverage for network and terminal; the increasing connectivity (while the income does not increase), and the fragmentation of services in operation. Comparing with other un-authorized spectrum low power wide area (LPWAN), e.g., LoRa, narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) has many advantages in terms of mobility, reliability and security, so it is more suitable for large scale operation. NB-IoT operation strategies are proposed in this paper, including quickly deploying NB-IoT network, expanding the network connection services to upper services, focusing on key industries and strengthening industrial cooperation. NB will become the main technology of LPWA.

[Keywords] low power enabled IoT; NB-IoT; operation strategies

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