
发布时间:2017-02-09 作者:彭勇,侯超平,童遥,申光 阅读量:

[摘要] 设计了一种安全标记机制,提出了一种支持多租户的安全访问控制方法,满足租户对于多域安全访问控制的需求。实验结果证明,这种基于安全标记的多租户安全访问控制方法兼具基于角色的访问控制模型(RBAC)和强制访问控制方法的优点,在易于管理的基础上,也使租户的访问控制系统达到了更高的访问控制安全级别。

[关键词] 云计算;数据中心;多租户;访问控制;安全标记

[Abstract] In this paper, a security mark method and a multi-tenant secure access control model are proposed to meet the demand from tenants in multi-domain secure access control. The results show that the multi-tenant access control method based on security mark has advantages of both role-based policies access control(RBAC) and mandatory access control, and helps tenants access control system reach higher security level on the basis of easy management.

[Keywords] cloud computing; data center; multi-tenant; access control; security mark

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