
发布时间:2016-11-24 作者:刘韵洁,黄韬,张娇

[摘要] 软件定义网络(SDN)受到全球范围的广泛关注与重视,正在给当前网络领域带来一场巨大的变革。SDN能够极大地提升现有网络的可控可管性和灵活性,有效降低网络服务提供者的投资成本(CAPEX)和运营成本(OPEX)。SDN正朝着更加开放、更加智能、更大规模的方向演进,将更好地支撑未来网络的发展。此外,随着SDN技术和应用的快速发展,对相关人才的需求也将成为一个必须解决的重要问题。

[关键词] SDN;开放;智能;未来网络

[Abstract] Software defined network (SDN) is now widely concerned and valued. It can significantly improve controllability and flexibility of the existing network, and effectively reduce the capital expenditures(CAPEX) and operating expense(OPEX) for network service providers. SDN evolution, is moving towards to a more open, more intelligent, more large-scale direction, and will better support the development of future network. Moreover, with rapid development of SDN, the demand for corresponding talents will become one of the important problems to be solved.

[Keywords] SDN; open; intelligent; future network

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