
发布时间:2016-10-09 作者:李伯虎,柴旭东,张霖 阅读量:

[摘要] 提出了智慧云制造的内涵,即智慧云制造是一种互联网与制造业深度融合的新模式、新手段和新业态。通过航天云网的实践,给出智慧云制造面向行业、企业、车间不同层次及面向产业链不同阶段开展应用的范例。认为智慧云制造的发展需要注重创新体系的建设,要实现“技术、应用、产业”的协调发展。

[关键词] 智慧;云制造;互联网+

[Abstract] In this paper, the connotation of the smart cloud manufacturing is put forward. The smart cloud manufacturing is a new kind of manufacturing paradigm, approach and ecosystem of deep integration of the Internet and the manufacturing industry. Through the practice of "astronautics cloud”, application cases covering levels of industry, enterprise, workshop and phases of industrial chain are presented. It is believed that the development of smart cloud manufacturing needs to pay attention to the construction of innovation system, and realize the coordinated development of "technology, application and industry".

[Keywords] smart; cloud manufacturing; Internet+

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