
发布时间:2015-06-25 作者:向际鹰 阅读量:

[摘要] 介绍了中兴通讯对未来无线新技术走向的整体看法。认为现有的5G侯选技术仍然是在传统空间、时间、频率3种自由度的基础上做增强。而在这些增强中,需要尤其关注一些无须改变4G空口就可以直接使用的5G技术,例如大规模多输入多输出(MIMO)、超密网(UDN)等。还认为所有无线新技术都将持续演进。随着5G标准的制订,用户体验将得到本质的提升。

[关键词] 多用户共享接入;超密网;大规模MIMO

[Abstract] An overview of wireless new technologies over next few years is given. The candidate technologies for 5G are being enhanced in terms of time, frequency, and space diversity. We should focus on 5G technologies that can be used directly and do not require the 4G port to be changed. Such technologies include massive multi-imput multi-output (MIMO) and ultra dense network (UDN). As the evolution of the technology, the user experience will be greatly improved in term of throughput and latency.

[Keywords] multi-user shared access; ultra dense network; massive MIMO