
发布时间:2023-01-10 作者:郭伟,于宏毅,刘建辉 阅读量:

[摘要] 针对可见光通信在室内的应用,分析了采用可见光与无线射频构成光电混合网络的可行性,提出了一种可行的网络架构;指出了该网络架构组网中的关键技术问题,并针对网络中的光源布局、多址接入、小区切换、异构网络融合等给出了技术路线。

[关键词] 可见光通信;光电混合网络;媒体接入控制;小区切换;异构网络融合

[Abstract] Color shift keying (CSK) is a modulation scheme proposed in IEEE 802.15.7. In view of the indoor application of VLC, the feasibility of constructing a hybrid wireless VLC network and WLAN is analyzed, and a kind of feasible network architecture is proposed. This paper points out the key technical problems of network and gives the technical route, including lighting layout, multiple access, cell handover and heterogeneous network integration.

[Keywords] visible light communication; hybrid network of visible light and radio frequency; medium access control; cell handover; heterogeneous network integration