
发布时间:2014-05-22 作者:冯志勇,冯泽冰,张奇勋

[摘要] 提出采用集中式和分布式的动态频谱管理技术来提升频谱资源利用效率,解决无线网络虚拟化中频谱资源难以高效分配与不易管理难题;认为为了构建一个稳定、灵活和开放的无线网络虚拟化架构,需要从虚拟网络的隔离、信令优化设计、通用接口设计、用户移动性管理等方面开展研究。

[关键词] 无线网络虚拟化;资源虚拟化;动态频谱管理

[Abstract] This paper describes centralized and distributed dynamic spectrum management techniques, which can improve spectrum utilization and management in a virtualized wireless network. In order to build a stable, flexible, open virtualized wireless architecture, we need to study isolation of the virtual network, signaling optimization design, universal interface design, user mobility management and other aspects.

[Keywords] wireless network virtualization; resources virtualization; dynamic spectrum management