
发布时间:2014-05-22 作者:曹剑馨,梁庚 阅读量:

[摘要] 在控制器局域网(CAN)总线通信控制协议的基础上,在MATLAB/Simulink软件Stateflow仿真环境下,利用有限状态机理论对CAN总线通信系统进行了形式化建模。通过此仿真模型,可以分析CAN总线通信系统中负载率的变化对网络吞吐量、平均信息时延、通信冲突率、网络利用率、网络效率以及负载完成率的影响。仿真结果验证了CAN总线通信控制协议的特点,同时也证明了Stateflow对CAN总线协议进行建模仿真的可行性。

[关键词] 现场总线;CAN;状态流;网络性能

[Abstract] In this paper, we use the theory of finite-state machines and a MATLAB/Simulink Stateflow simulation environment to formalize the modeling of a controller area network (CAN) bus communication system with CAN bus communication control protocol. We use the simulation model to analyze the impact of the load rate of the CAN bus communication system on throughput, average delay of information, communication collision rate, network utilization, network efficiency, and load completion. The simulations show the benefits of the CAN bus communication control protocol and prove the feasibility of CAN bus protocol modeling and simulation in a Stateflow enviornment.

[Keywords] fiedbus; CAN; Stateflow; network performance