
发布时间:2014-03-20 作者:杨旸,王浩文,许晖

[摘要] 针对第五代移动通信(5G)技术发展的趋势,分析了5G的发展为测试系统带来的新需求和挑战。针对挑战,提出了可持续发展的测试生态系统的概念,从软件和硬件两个方面具体探讨了“以软件为核心”和“以大规模多输入多输出空口(MIMO OTA)为基础”两大特征。在以软件为核心测试方式部分详细探讨了基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的知识产权部署到测试管脚(IP to the PIN)和支持并行测试和海量信号处理的异质计算两项技术。

[关键词] 测试生态系统;异质计算架构;大规模多输入多输出空口测试

[Abstract] In this paper, we analyze the new requirements and challenges in testing and measurement for 5G wireless communication systems. We propose a concept called “Ecological Test & Measurement System.” The main features of the concept are “Centre at The Software” and “Base on Massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) OTA.” Two technologies, including the “IP to the PIN based on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)” and “The architecture of heterogeneous computing”, are also described in the “With the core of software” part.

[Keywords] test and measurement ecological system; heterogeneous computing architecture; massive MIMO OTA test