
发布时间:2017-12-11 作者:翁冬冬,薛雅琼 阅读量:

[摘要] 剖析虚拟环境中人和虚拟角色互动的关键技术,其中空间定位、动作捕捉、眼动追踪和语音输入实现虚拟角色对用户的多通道交互输入信号的接收,反馈控制系统建立从交互输入信号到呈现给用户的多通道反馈输出信号的映射,反馈信号渲染将多通道反馈输出信号以虚拟角色的表情、动作、语音等形式呈现给用户,同时力触觉反馈技术支持虚拟角色提供触觉通道的交互,使交互具有更多的物理性。

[关键词] 人-虚拟角色互动;虚拟现实;多通道交互信号接收;反馈控制;多通道反馈信号渲染;力触觉反馈

[Abstract] In this paper, the key technologies of human-virtual character interaction in virtual environment are analyzed. The reception of multi-channel interactive input signal of user is achieved by space positioning, motion capture, eye tracking and voice input. The mapping from interactive input signal to response signal is constructed by response control system. The multi-channel response signal is shown to user by response render technology with lifelike facial appearance, motion and voice. Moreover, force feedback technology adds the haptic interaction to human-virtual character interaction, and enhances the physicality of interaction.

[Keywords] human-virtual character interaction; virtual reality; reception of multi-channel interactive signal; response control; rendering of multi-channel response signal; force feedback

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