
发布时间:2017-12-11 作者:王悦名,王荣刚,高文 阅读量:

[摘要] 全景视频投影技术是全景视频应用中的一项关键技术,为此成立了IEEE 1857.9沉浸视频内容编码工作组,致力于制订高效的沉浸视频投影和编码方法。IEEE 1857.9沉浸视频内容编码工作组设计了一系列的映射格式,其中双极方形的投影格式相较于球面投影技术(ERP)取得了11.56%的编码性能增益。此外,IEEE 1857.9工作组还针对流切换的场景设计了基于主视点的投影模型,在保证主视点区域视频质量不变的情况下,可获得70%的编码性能增益。

[关键词] 虚拟现实;沉浸视频;投影;编码

[Abstract] Since the panoramic video projection technology is a key technology in panoramic video applications, the IEEE 1857.9 immersive video content coding working group was established so as to develop efficient immersive video projection and coding methods. A series of projection schemes are designed by the IEEE 1857.9 immersion video content coding working group, in which the bipolar square projection format achieves 11.56% coding performance gain compared to the equirectangular projection (ERP). In addition, for the flow switching scenario, a projection model based on the main view point is designed by the IEEE 1857.9 working group, which can achieve 70% coding performance gain while guaranteeing the video quality of the main view area.

[Keywords] virtual reality; immersive video; projection; encoding

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